NovaStor webinars
& events

Benefit from the specialist knowledge of our experts and use our free webinars and events to expand your knowledge. We will be happy to answer your questions after the webinar.

Free and live
From experts
Live Q&A Sessions

Tech workshops

Register here for our webinar series and develop your backup master plan together with NovaStor's backup experts. You can find the dates on this page.  

You can expect information on product updates and features, use cases, how-to instructions as well as tips and tricks to optimize and simplify your data backup. At the end of the webinar you are welcome to ask your questions. 

Secure your place to hear the latest news and first-hand insights into the developments of our solutions.  Take the opportunity to see new functions live in action, expand your knowledge and get answers to your questions. 

Webinar Reihe NovaStor

Next dates

Benefit from the specialist knowledge of our experts and use our free webinars to expand your knowledge and exchange ideas with backup experts. You can register for the next dates here.

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